Learn To Dance East Coast Swing

The Eastern Swing or East Coast Swing, originally called the Lindy Hop, was born in the South of the U.S.A. and is the most famous American folk dance.

The beat of swing included Charleston, Black Bottom, Shag and Lindy Hop. In the early 40’s these forms consolidated into what was called the Lindy.

The Lindy was first danced as a modified Box Step, with a slight shuffling movement.

The shuffling movement of the original Lindy can be likened to todays single rhythm in Swing.

As the shuffling, or single rhythm progressed, it evolved into both the Double and Triple Lindy, and today all three form the basis of good Swing dancing.

About 85 years ago, the Swing was danced in the Harlem section of New York City…. at a time when such band greats as Chick Webb, Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman were holding sway.

It was in Harlem where the Swing took on most of today’s popular steps and styling.

For many years now, the better establishments have frowned upon the wilder forms of the Swing because the acrobatics involved limited the number of people who could dance at one time.

It is possible however, to do a fine Swing in a relatively small area, providing the dancers are better than average and have an assortment of dance breaks.

There is no question that the dance is here to stay, for in all parts of the country you will find dancers adding their own interpretations and changes of style.

All dances, in order to survive, must be built up from a firm basic movement so that ad-libbing and complete freedom of expression can be interpreted into the dance. The Swing has these attributes.

Learn to dance Swing with 5th Avenue Dance Gold Coast. Dance to any music, with any partner, on any dance floor

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