Learn To Dance Samba

The Samba was imported from Brazil and was introduced to the DANCE MASTER ASSOCIATION of NEW YORK in 1929.

Like many Brazilian dances, the music is based on Negro rhythms combined with an expressive melodic line, usually in 2/4 time and written in a major key.

It is a serenade in form, with repetitions of the melodic pattern continually interrupted by strumming of a stringed instrument.Β 

It first became famous in Rio de Janeiro and later the fascinating form was taken up by serious Latin American Composers.

The Samba is danced in a moderate to slow tempo in South America but usually to a faster tempo around the world.

However, at a slower pace, one has more control and the tantalizing elements of the dance may be more easily effected. The basic spring-like knee action, a fall and rise movement called the β€œSamba Pulse”, must be continuous, with emphasis on the downward rather than the upward movement.

This brightly spirited dance has endured the test of time and now ranks high among the popular

Learn to dance the Samba with 5th Avenue Dance Gold Coast. Dance to any music, with any partner, on any dance floor

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